Bachelor- or Masterthesis

Development of High Dielectric Permittivity Polymer Composites for the Material Extrusion of Dielectric Elastomer Actuators

This thesis will be performed in cooperation with the PCCL within the project Chemietecture.

Chemitecture bridges the CHEMistry of new functional materials on a molecular level with the macroscopic archiTECTURE of 3D printed polymers to create the next generation of polymer-based objects that are well prepared for the digital age. Digitalization of polymers relies on additive manufacturing techniques (AMT), which conveniently translate virtual 3D models into physical objects by a digital slicing of computer-aided designs (CAD) and by building the 3D object layer-by-layer. Although AMTs are considered key technologies in future production routines (e.g. connecting the digital thread from design to production in “smart” factories), the application of AMTs in producing highly engineered and technologically relevant polymer parts is still in its infancy.

Your tasks in this thesis is the production of compounds with different amounts of dielectric particles and a TPU matrix on the internal mixer and filaments with the high pressure capillary rheometer. The filaments will be tested with the 3D-printer of the PCCL to produce the electrical actuators and to test their performance.

The goal is an improved dielectric behavior without stiffening the material too much, so that the elastic performance of electrical actuator is not compromised. If you are interested, please contact Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Schuschnigg (+43 3842 402 3511)
