Research Group RELIABLE
Reliability of polymers under mechanical and environmental loads
Research Fields
The research in the field of RELIABLE - Reliable polymers under under mechanical and environmental loads - is devoted to the following topics:
- Polymers and Composites under complex multiaxial mechanical and environmental loads
- Application of fracture mechanics in materials science and design
- Polymers and Composites for structural and long term applications
- Polymers and composites for additive manufacturing and in medicine and bionic
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Gerald Pinter
Head of RELIABLE Group
+43 3842 402 - 2100
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Specialties: polymer mechanics, fracture mechanics, life-time prediction, durability and reliability of structural polymers, fatigue testing
Reza Afsharnia, Lis. Fogh-lis.
+43 3842 402 - 2139
Profil (Pure)
Research: Fatigue analysis, fracture mechanics, thermomechanical behavior of short fiber reinforced
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Florian Arbeiter
+43 3842 402 - 2122
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Research: Polymeric pipe grade materials, multi-layered systems and structures, fracture mechanics,
mechanical impact and high-speed testing
Dipl.-Ing. Maria Gfrerrer
+43 3842 402 - 2190
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Dipl.-Ing. Michael Huszar
+43 3842 402 - 2136
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Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Pferschy
+43 3842 402 - 2130
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Research: Mechanical testing of Li-ion battery components, structural evolution of metals
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Gerald Pilz
+43 3842 402 - 2109
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Research: Mechanical and thermo-mechanical characterization of high performance plastics
(technical thermoplastics and fiber reinforced plastics)
Dr.mont. Dott.Mag. Jacopo Schieppati
+43 3842 402 - 2190
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Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Gabriel Stadler
+43 3842 402 -2104
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Research: Fatigue of polymers with focus on short fibre reinforced polymers, computer-aided service
life assessments
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Waly
+43 3842 402 - 2127
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Research: testing in the field of additive manufacturing, polymer mechanics and fracture mechanics,
multi-layered systems
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Zach
+43 3842 402 -
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Research: tbd
Research Summaries
Crack growth detection in short fiber reinforced polymers
Reza Afsharnia
Transportation of green hydrogen in the Austrian gas grid
Florian Arbeiter
Fatigue characterization of continuous fiber reinforced polymers
Maria Gfrerrer
Mechanical characterization of polymer-interfaces
Michael Huszar
Ballistic protection with novel lightweight composites
Gerald Pilz
Dynamic adhesion of rubber-metal interfaces
Jacopo Schieppati
Influence of viscoelasticity on the fatigue behavior of short fiber reinforced polymers
Gabriel Stadler
Crack deflection versus penetration in extrusion-based additively manufactured polymeric materials
Christoph Waly
Polymer pipes for the transport of hydrogen
Florian Arbeiter
Dynamic adhesion of rubber-metal interfaces
Jacopo Schieppati
Nanoindentation vof elastomers for quality control
Jacopo Schieppati
Damping pads in the railway supertructures
Jürgen Föttinger
Data Science in material testing
Johannes Wiener
Measurement techniques for the micrometer range
Michael Huszar
Crack propagation probelm in 3D printed structures
Florian Arbeiter, Christoph Waly
Acoustic emission testing of composites
Maria Gferrer, Johannes Wiener
Evaluation of fatigue of short fiber reinforced polymers
Reza Afharnia, Gabriel Stadler
Biological materials and biomimicry
Johannes Wiener
CAMed: Personalized Implants made by 3D-printing
Sandra Petersmann
Fiber-reinforced components from the 3D printer
Florian Arbeiter
POLYDRAIN: Optimized pipe materials for tunnel drainage systems
Florian Arbeiter
3D-Printable Medical Polymers
Sandra Petersmann
Biomimetic concepts for toughness optimization
Johannes Wiener
Component Testing
Jürgen Föttinger, Gerald Pinter
Delamination in Composites
Gerald Pinter
Fatigue Analysis of Continuously Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
Christian Schneider, Gerald Pinter
Reliable component design via advanced fracture mechanics
Anja Gosch
Structural integrity in additive manufacturing of polymers
Florian Arbeiter
THE BOX - Mechanical characterization of high performance thermal decoupling units for building envelops
Gerald Pilz
The CRB test - Long-term behaviour of Thermoplastics pipes
Florian Arbeiter, Gerald Pinter
Biomimetics a role model for multi-layer materials
Florian Arbeiter
Continuous fibre reinforced composites a fatigue analysis
Gerald Pinter
Stiff and Tough 3D-printed polymers
Florian Arbeiter, Martin Spörk
Polymer fracture mechanics I
Florian Arbeiter
Polymer fracture mechanics II
Anja Gosch
Delamination in Composites
Steffen Stelzer
Fatigue strength of short-fibre reinforced injection moulded parts
Gerald Pinter
Long term performance of plastics for applications in cooling compressors
Gerald Pilz
Performance of polyolefins for the use in long-term applications
Florian Arbeiter
Rate dependent material characterization for structure- and fracture mechanic models
Florian Arbeiter
Testing of elastomeric rail mounts
Steffen Stelzer